Wednesday, July 14, 2010

No. I am not seeing anyone... yet...

I love my family.  Really, I do.  And I know they mean well.  They are happy for me and really want great things for me.


My family needs to back off.  For the last few months, every family-function, be it a reunion or just an afternoon by the pool, has included a conversation that begins with "so... are you seeing anyone yet?" My standard response is to smile and say "no, I am not seeing anyone yet" to which they ALWAYS reply with something like "well, it can't be long now."

Says who?

Most of them don't say it out loud, but they finish that thought the same way: well, it can't be long now... that you have lost all that weight.

I'm not offended.  Honestly.  I completely understand why they think that.  I mean, I thought that too! And it's not an unwarranted thought.  Things in that department have been decidedly more interesting in the last few months, for sure.  And I certainly spend more time these days playing keep-away from creepers at the bar and on Facebook.

But here's the part they don't understand; the thing it took me a few months to understand - loosing 85 lbs. hasn't changed the fact that I just really suck at meeting boys.

Sure, a change in my appearance has given me a confidence boost that has made me put myself "out there" more, but that's not what it takes to be successful in the twenty-something singles scene.  You also need new people to put yourself "out there" with and, the reality is, no matter what size I am, if I am not meeting new people I am going to remain single.

I have always been single.  I am comfortable being single.  But I am also ready to not be single.  I don't necessarily want a boyfriend right now... I think I have a few things to get out of my system before I am ready for a relationship, but I would like to meet someone.  Both for myself and for the sake of being able to respond to my aunts or my grandmother's questioning with "kind of :)".

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